Heroes of the environment surface at Creating Equilibrium in Squaw Valley

Heroes of the environment surface at Creating Equilibrium in Squaw Valley

Squaw Valley played host to a first-of-its-kind event, which drew leaders from across the globe to attempt to save the environment, during Creating Equilibrium, a vision conference and art festival from Aug. 25-27.

The idea behind Creating Equilibrium is to take environmental innovation out of the boardroom, bring thinkers and influential people together in an outdoor setting where they can collaborate and ideate while simultaneously supporting local artists amid a backdrop of live music performances. Squaw Valley was chosen as the site for the event due to the community's commitment to environmental preservation.

Creating Equilibrium 2017 Announce!

Creating Equilibrium 2017 Announce!

Gathering leaders in environmental science, business, technology, policy, arts and education for a three-day conference, concert, and festival in Squaw Valley at Lake Tahoe, CA. August 25-27, 2017